- Det här är vad jag gör och vad jag lever för, hur sjukt det än kan låta, säger Sandy Karlsson, Helsingborgs största "sneakerhead" med en samling på mer än 150 skor."
Roughly translated:
For some people it's just something you a have on your feet - others, are dead serious about it.
-This is what I do, and what I live for, how sick is that? Says Sandy Karlsson,
Helsingborgs (Sweden) biggest "Sneakerhead" with a 150 pairs in her collection.
Check out Sneaker Sandy's (FSF) interview in the Swedish newspaper here. It's of course all in Swedish though..Biggups to Sneaker Sandy!
Oooooh!!!You guys...your making me blush
These are fabulous
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